Lynne Tapper


Who do I work with?
Adults, Couples and Young People 16+

How do I work?
Face-to-Face and Online

Where am I based?

Lynne Tapper

About me

Thank you for your interest in my profile. At the moment my practice is full. Please have a look at my associate colleagues, who may be able to support you.

I support people to gain more understanding about how their brains work, recognise and develop strengths and find ways to mitigate challenges.

I am a credentialed coach with The International Coach Federation and specialise in working with autistic and ADHD adults. I recognise the wide variance in how people think, perceive and express themselves and work to promote understanding, appreciation and acceptance (including self-acceptance) of difference.

I came to coaching having worked as a Speech and Language Therapist with adult clients and I am particularly interested in communication and how people communicate well with people who communicate differently to them, especially in family and work situations. I have experience of living in and parenting a neurodiverse family and have officially had my own neurodifference (ADHD) recognised late in life.

Ways of Working

Coaching is a chance to pause and think through what you need to do to get what you want and need. Coaching is forward focused and people leave coaching sessions having generated actions they want to try out between sessions. I work by helping people think about how they work and live at their best, identifying their strengths and finding workarounds for challenges. Typically I see people for 6 fortnightly sessions which can be 60 or 90 minutes to think about a specific issue or goal.

I can provide Access to Work funded coaching (You may be eligible if you are in employment, including self-employment. Please contact me for more information)

The Types of Issues I Support Neurodivergent Clients With

• Understanding how you work at your best
• Identifying and recognising areas of strength
• Self-acceptance
• Energy levels and pace
• Emotional regulation
• Organisation and time management
• Motivation
• Strategies to support memory
• Confidence
• Communication
• Routines and transitions
• Thinking about big decisions
• Asking for your needs to be met (after you’ve identified what they are)
• I work with couples on developing good communication.


Post Graduate Certificate in Business and Personal Coaching, Barefoot Coaching Ltd, University of Chester 2019

ACC credentialed coach with The International Coaching Federation since 2020

Trained as an Organisational Relationship Systemic Coach in 2023

Additional CPD Specific to Neurodiversity

  • Best Practice when Supporting Autistic Clients – Aspire Autism Consultancy 2017
  • Simply ADHD and Personal Transformation courses with ADDCA (The ADD Coach Training Academy) 2021 – 2022
  • Enhanced Performance Strategies for Neuro-difference in the workplace. ILM Endorsement May 2023.
  • Currently training to become a certified ADHD coach with Gold Mind Academy – completion date 2024.
  • Attendance of Aspire Consultancy’s Monthly CPD Group focusing on Neurodiversity.

Topics include:
Inertia and Burnout
Post Traumatic Stress
Disordered Eating
Gender & Identity
Using Avatars in Therapy
Co-associated conditions

Get in touch with me