Gill Battison


Who do I work with?
Adults 18+, Couples and Individuals

How do I work?
Face-to-Face and Online

Where am I based?

Gill Battison

About me

I have been counselling for 15 years and work with both individuals and couples, who are Neurodiverse (diagnosed or not), including LGBTQ+ community.

Prior to training as a counsellor, I had a career as a health professional in the NHS.

I work in a warm, collaborative, positive and non- judgemental way- to put you at ease. I aim to provide a safe, consistent and boundaried space for you to explore the issues that bring you into counselling at this time in your life.

I am passionate about having a non-stigmatising, compassionate and inclusive approach with clients, as someone who has lived experience of neurodiversity with both my family and myself. This has enabled me to provide a safe counselling space that is specifically developed with neurodivergence and associated conditions in mind.

Ways of Working

My work with clients is informed by Neurodiversity, modern neuroscience, Polyvagal Theory and a compassionate understanding of how the central nervous system is affected by trauma.

I work in an Integrative way, that is, I use different modalities of counselling to tailor my approach so that it best fits your personality style and neurological difference.

For example, CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) or Gestalt- working very relationally or using ideas from Transactional Analysis.

I often use visual information via power point online, or a small flipchart to communicate concepts – for example about brain difference when working with couples and Individuals or about the nervous system to help explain stress or burnout.

I work in both an open-ended way for clients who want longer term work with me, and I can work for a set number of sessions if that meets clients’ needs and budgets also.

The Types of Issues I Support Neurodivergent Clients With

  • I work with neurodivergent adults who may present with issues such as relationship difficulties, anxiety, depression, trauma symptoms, physical Illness, working through a recent diagnosis, stress, managing change, grief, work- burnout and overwhelm.
  • I also support adults who have a faith or no faith and those who may have experienced trauma in their past.
  • I am Eating-Disorder trained, and support clients wishing to address their relationship with eating and with food. I am trained in the theory and practice of Emotional Freedom Technique, a safe and scientifically proven treatment to reduce trauma symptoms


PG Dip (level 7) Dip COT Reg MBACP

Eating- Disorder Trained (NCFED) and Cert EFT Trained (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Additional CPD Specific to Neurodiversity

  • Equality and Diversity Training BACP
  • Neurodiversity training with Aspire Autism – Online Events
  • Working with Neurodiversity and Eating Disorders- Online Events
  • Working with neurodivergent couples in therapy- Aspire Autism Consultancy
  • Attendance of Aspire Consultancy’s monthly CPD and Supervision Group focusing on neurodiversity.
  • Monthly Supervision with Supervisor specialist in Neurodiversity.

Get in touch with me