Michaela Slade

Equine and Nature assisted Counsellor and Psychotherapist

Who do I work with?
Young People 11+ and Adults

How do I work?
Face-to-Face, Online and with Horses

Where am I based?
Ilminster, Somerset

Michaela Slade

About me

I believe in the philosophy and teaching of nature and animals; I have experienced firsthand the profound wisdom of nature when we enter relationship with a natural being without expectation.

I work with clients alongside a herd of horses at The Heard therapy CIC. Horses are sentient beings who are attuned to their environment and each other in a deeply sensitive way, a horse senses us, through the nuances of our body language which are often unconscious movements, they also sense our nervous system energy, our heart, and intentions. I transfer this approach into the counselling room by working with clients from their present moment experience.  My approach is person centred, somatic based and transpersonal, this is because I am passionate about helping people become whole and attuned with themselves and the world, by deepening the awareness of connection between body, mind, emotions and the world around us.

Ways of Working

I have worked extensively with neurodivergent clients who have experienced trauma, and have experience of this within my own family, namely the intersection of neurodivergence and attachment trauma.

Room Based

My approach with the horses is adaptable to room based and online therapy, working from the same ethos of inclusion and acceptance with a somatic trauma therapy approach that works integratively within a person centred and transpersonal framework. 

The therapeutic approach is relational and supported by working from a trauma informed perspective that includes developmental and attachment trauma.

There is a willingness to meet each individual client just as they are and to provide a space of safety and coherent connection to support the potential for personal growth.

My first aim to help you to feel comfortable, this is so important as it will support you to be able to take part in the therapy, so to begin with, you may find that there aren’t too many questions and that its more about getting to know you and what helps you to feel safe and relaxed.

My dog Pluto is present (if this is ok with the client) and can offer an experience of connection and attunement, when perhaps experiencing this with another person may be challenging.

The somatic work starts from a place that feels familiar and comfortable to you, based on your experience.  From this place we begin to develop experience, awareness and understanding of how we experience and interact with the world around us, including our relationships with others and how our nervous system works and responds in different situations. We take the time to really notice what feels comfortable and supportive and build the therapeutic work from this place. The work can take time, the invitation is that I can walk with you to help you discover more about yourself, your experience and your nervous system

Outdoor/Equine therapy

I work alongside horses and nature and my working model is somatic trauma therapy, from an integrative background that is largely person centred.

The space between horse and human is one of potentiality, a space that if it is stepped into with somatic awareness and felt sense, authentic response and connection can take place. The horse steps into the space of potentiality as an authentic being and invites us to do the same, just as we are.

Our horses at The Heard Therapy are invited to have autonomy, the human carers support and invite the horse’s expression with sensitivity to their needs, to preserve their authenticity as natural beings.

The horses invite us to do the same, to walk with them alongside them, to allow organic relations and interactions to take place, without expectation.

Touch is irrelevant when we work in this way. Horses are not naturally tactile and sharing space without touch is intimate for horses. Touch is often our need as humans, the space between horses and humans may or may not involve Touch, and how is that for the horse and the human? How can the needs of both be met with consent, in a way that is authentic for both?

Relating to horses that are kept in a way that embraces and supports their natural behaviours is not conducive to horse hugging. Relationship and trust are earned between horse and human, which asks us to let go of our need, of our responses and behaviours that mask the essence of who we are. The horse teaches us how if we are willing to step into the space of potentiality.

The Types of Issues I Support Neurodivergent Clients With 

  • Trauma
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Complex Post Traumatic Stress (CPTSD)
  • Attachment trauma 
  • Childhood trauma
  • Anxiety
  • OCD


Level 5 CPCAB in psychospiritual counselling

LEAP equine facilitated practitioner training

EQUUSOMA level 1 and level 2 trauma informed equine assisted interventions  

Nature Assisted Therapy Practitioner training

Eating Disorders Practitioner training NCFED

Additional CPD Specific to Neurodiversity

Best Practice when Supporting Autistic Clients – Aspire Autism Consultancy

ADHD in The Therapy Room – Aspire Autism Consultancy

Polyvagal theory training-Mindbody Breakthrough

CPTSD training-Mindbody breakthrough

OCD training-Mindbody breakthrough

Mindfulness training-Taunton 

Somatic trauma therapy training-Babette Rothschild

Beginning Somatic Experiencing training level 1 May 2024

Completed ‘ADHD in the Therapy Room’ course – Aspire Autism Consultancy

Get in touch with me