Understanding Trauma and Neurodiversity

with Kirsteen WiIshere

Workshop details:

We experience an event or situation as traumatic when it overwhelms our ability to cope and we feel a lack of control. Living as a neurodivergent person in a world where we are expected to present as neurotypical, there is often a lack of understanding of ourselves due tothe late diagnosis or misconceptions around neurodiversity.

Kirsteen will explore the concept of trauma informed practice and how trauma impacts us, moving to how we can support ourselves and our children to heal from the impact of trauma.

The webinar addresses the experiences children have in environments that they are unaware of or unable to respond appropriately to their needs and the impact this can have.

About Sarah:

Kirsteen is an independent social worker and Non-violent Resistance{NVR} practitioner. Most of her working life has been in fostering and adoption services, specialising in developmental trauma. She works with families helping them understand their children’s needs and navigating services and school support options. She is a neurodivergent adult and uses her own experiences as a parent to inform her practice.


Webinar recordings

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