Masking, and a Story of a Spoken Poem
This is an article by Mark Berry Just a bit of Background to this I was sitting at my desk the other day, trying to come up with a million more interesting things I could do instead of the boring task I was supposed to be doing, that’s ADHD dual diagnosis for you! Anyway, out…
Read MoreAutism, Personality Disorder: Misdiagnosis and Stigma
An article by Dr Judy Eaton introducing a new book and workshop around the misdiagnosis of people with Autism Autism, Personality Disorder: Misdiagnosis and Stigma https://help4psychology.co.uk/team/dr-judy-eaton/ Why too many Autistic female adults are getting wrongly diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. Over the past twelve months , I have been writing another book, along with several…
Read MoreParenting a Neurodivergent Child – Parent Perspective
This is an article I wrote for “Parenting Mental Health” a charity and support group for parents of children with mental health issues. Its easy to lose oneself in the daily struggles of being a parent to a child with mental health issues. This can have a detrimental effect on our own mental health, but…
Read MoreUnderstanding Autistic Relationships – Book
We’d like to signpost you to a new book we feel is very useful to help autistic people and professionals understand autistic relationships. N.B We have no finacial interest in this book. ——————– oooOOOooo ——————– Biography Felicity Sedgewick is Lecturer in Psychology of Education at the University of Bristol, with a research specialism in the relationships…
Read MoreADHD, Autism and Me – My Journey to Hell and Back (Part 1)
Guest Blog Introduction by Ruth Williams Jeff Gawthorpe has been a regular panellist on our ADHD and autism courses over the past four years. He has inspired and helped numerous individuals, from people trying to understand why they find certain aspects of their lives to be so challenging, through to healthcare professionals seeking to learn…
Read MoreRealcovery … Creative Action for Wellness and Significant Cultural Change
An article by Sue Bird, who was diagnosed as autistic at 40 and who, armed with that knowledge, then experienced a real recovery from huge life change and “unmaking”. They discovered how to live a life based on ‘real not perfect’ and went on to create ‘The Realcovery Lounge’, which is growing into the most…
Read MoreExciting News……….
During lockdown 2020 Aspire Autism Consultancy were delighted to be asked to participate in the Different Minds podcast series. Different Minds is the brainchild of BBC journalist John Offord. Last year John decided to develop a fascinating podcast series to consider the nature of neurodiversity and discuss the unique experiences of neurodivergent individuals. Over the…
Read MoreNames
An article by Alice Jorden, an autistic writer. If you were to look for quotes about autism, one of the ones you may find is this one by Chris Bonnello, Autistic Not Weird. “People argue about whether to call me ‘high functioning’, ‘mildly autistic’ / ‘a person with mild autism’, an ‘Asperger’s sufferer’, or ‘someone…
Read MoreI am Autistic
This is an article by Maya Berry I am autistic – very few people know that about me. I tend to keep it to myself for fear of what people will think. I’ve never necessarily felt different to those around me, however before my diagnosis, a small part of me knew I didn’t function the…
Read MoreThe Importance of Clear Instructions during Childbirth
Kindly supplied by Caroline Corley Inspired by reading Laura’s article, I decided to share one of my funnier examples of when I experienced communication misunderstandings during childbirth. A brief background of me is that I am a 49 yrs old female, married for 12 years, together for 19 yrs, and I have 9 and 4…
Read MoreWhat is Parent Coaching?
This is an article by Lynne Tapper a coach who has personal and professional experience of working with autistic people. In the world of work, coaching is highly valued, in many cases it signals that you have reached a stage in your career when your employer recognises your worth and makes an investment, through coaching,…
Read MoreThe Communication Penny
This is an article by Laura, a Registered Nurse who is one of the regular panel members on our training courses. The Communication Penny – Until my Autism diagnosis, I considered myself to be good at communicating, even describing myself as an “excellent communicator” on job applications. I understood communication to mean almost exclusively spoken…
Read MoreDifferent Minds – An series of excellent podcasts exploring many aspects of neurodiversity
A few weeks ago Aspire Autism Consultancy had the good fortune of receiving an invitation to take part in an innovative new series of podcasts exploring neurodiversity. We were approached by John Offord, a Yorkshire based freelance producer with extensive experience in TV production, event management and radio production. John is committed to improving the understanding…
Read MoreAutism and Lockdown- The ponderings of a Therapist
As Aspire Autism Consultancy launch their website during lockdown, I thought it would be valuable to share the thoughts of a Psychotherapist working with autistic people in these “unprecedented” times. On March 23rd when Boris Johnson announced his lockdown regulations there was much discussion on social media that staying indoors and not having contact with…
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